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Boost your sales. Tell your story. Website, newsletter, social media. SEO. Here I am - the fastest copywriter in the industry (let me prove it to you).

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Your website is your window
Let's pretend you're the customer. You're standing outside of your store. Would you enter it?
  • Tell your story and make the reader like you
  • Be clear - a confused reader is not a customer
  • Talk about benefits for the customer - not how good you are
Create value on email
This is a gold mine. You create value and campaigns. You attract leads, Or do you? Well, you should.
  • Attract the reader to your website with razor-sharp copy
  • Give the reader value - with copy that would like to read yourself
  • Any discounts or offers? Tell people about them in the right way
No, blogs are not dying...
To have a blog means to update it often. To update it often means that your followers - and Google - likes you.
  • Get fresh, fine blog posts week after week, month after month
  • Also: They are optimized with SEO in mind, so that Google says: "Yeah!"
  • Also: They are adapted for mobile view (I mean, that's the thing nowadays)
Magical product – but nobody gets it
Describe your product in a complicated way – and your reader won't turn into a customer. Stop it. Sharpen your landing pages or product pages with simple, sharp copy.
  • Boost your sales with better copy
  • Focus on the products unique benefitsF
  • The product is a bridge between before and after - make the customer feel it
Can we talk about captions?
Well, we have to. On social media, you get one, two or three seconds to get someones attention. Make it fast. Make it attractive. Make it better.
  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • (yes, for the ads too)
In other words

So they say 👈

My name is Nemrud

Wanna hear my story?

Journalist at Aftonbladet, at the Swedish National Television. Author of three books. Scroll down. Read more.


Small step for man...

I'm 11 and I write my first published chronicle. What a thing - to create with words!


My own Lord of the Rings

Dazzled by Frodo and Aragorn, I write my own LOTR-trilogy. Magic, anyone?


"13 year old and writer"

I write chronicles for a team in the Swedish top-tier (football). The editorial staff wants to interview me. Headline: "13 years old and writer"


"Nice way of writing, but..."

I write a novel and send it to a publishing company (Natur och Kultur). Verdict: "You have a nice way of writing, but unfortunately, we must decline."


Journalist at Aftonbladet

I graduate (journalism). I get a job at Aftonbladet, the biggest newspaper in Sweden. My colleague: My role model Erik Niva. Also: I publish my first book.

Daniel Blomgren:

”Aftonbladet has found its jewel and heir to Erik Niva."


Release: My next novel

On my 24th birthday: Release of my next book, a novel about genocide, trauma and identity.

Erik Niva about the book:

”Nemrud shows the way from present Sweden to the Middle East of that time and back again. This is a powerful, exciting book for anyone who wants to understand our world today."


New adventure: SVT

A five year adventure starts, at the Swedish National Television (SVT). Thousands of article. Football expert at the morning studio.


Alright, alright, all write!

My second turn at Northmill - a digital Swedish bank - as a copywriter and content marketer.


Mental boost

I get a diploma in the EMCC-certified Prestationsgruppen, becoming a mental coach and a stress coach.


Time for third novel

My next book released: About mental illness. Facts and fiction. A balance between heart and brain.

Lecturer Maria Fridstjerna:

"The novel is important as it describes mental states in a very clear way, combined with an exciting plot."


Degree in sociology

So, that inner journey that is never-ending? Next stop in 2022 was a degree in sociology


In a hotel lobby in Tokyo...

In the land of the rising sun, my sun rises. An uncomfortable decision, but it's time. From now on, I'm a freelancing copywriter.

Öka din försäljning. Boosta din SEO. Berätta din story. Hemsida, nyhetsbrev, sociala medier. Här är jag - den snabbaste copywritern i branschen (jag kan bevisa det för dig).

Copy-Kurt - sluta tappa kunder med din copy

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